President's Message

A Message from your Chapter President, James Lehman, CMA

Howdy to all members of the Institute of Management Accountants Dallas – Fort Worth Area Chapter aka IMA DFW,


It's September 17th, and we’re still off to a good start of the 2024/2025 IMA year from July 1 through June 30. Additional Autumn 2024 events are falling into place and activities are being announced on our chapter website as well as on our LinkedIn group


The August 27th IMA DFW networking meet-up at City Works in Fort Worth was cozy. Although not as many Fort Worth members appeared as we were expecting, the members who were present enjoyed the atmosphere and conversation with the two chapter board members also in attendance. We exchanged ideas with one another about the chapter’s future activities. And we missed seeing some of you at the August 22 CPE event which took place at the Texas Star Conference Centre where Excelevate’s Derek Henry shared with us his advice on leveraging MS Excel shortcuts to help us work more efficiently with spreadsheets. Dr. Laurie Burney of Baylor University rounded out the four-hour session by presenting accounting applications of Chat GPT.


September events currently on deck include:


·       In-person: A September networking event at Moxies in Southlake on Thursday, September 19, from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM, will feature additional board members than usual. Don’t be shy about meeting us and letting us know what you want more of as an IMA professional member. You can RSVP at our IMA DFW chapter website where additional information about this event can be found.

·       Webinar: A one-hour continuing professional education webinar where a representative from the accounting firm Moss Adams will present the chapter’s Autumn 2024 Accounting Update. The event is free for all IMA members and is scheduled for Monday, September 23, from 12:00 PM until 1:00 PM Central Time Zone. You will only need to provide your IMA membership number upon registration as proof of membership to access the event. More details about this session can be found at the chapter’s website.


We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at both events.


I’m looking forward to a continually productive chapter year, meeting as many of the chapter’s members as possible in person or virtually and helping the chapter in its service mission to IMA members and IMA faculty and students.


James Lehman

IMA DFW Chapter President 2024-2025

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